Moving From Ebay: Part 4 Another New Way to Bid

Alright in my last update on moving away from ebay I attempted to use a plugin that allowed me to host bids here on my site. The problem was although I paid 50.00 dollars for a Facebook Ad, it increased my likes on my fan page, but it did not translate into people visiting the site and writing comments or trying to bid. I’ve been off of Ebay officially for over 2 weeks now and the only sells I’ve made in that time were all wholesale deals to buyers I already work with. I also sold a couple of pair at my local market. 

I have not sold an individual kick via my site yet, but I am still optimistic. I stopped the Facebook Ad campaign and started a Google Ads campaign. I also paid 50.00 dollars for this. The estimated cost per click is around 30-50 cents. This has increased traffic, and I’m getting ad revenue, but it still has not generated a sell. It has however generated a comment which is what I was going for, but no sell.

I have pulled the plugin for the bids through my own site and I have decided to try another auction site as an alternative to ebay. I signed up for an account with . The site is comparable to Ebay, but here are the bonuses at least in signing up:

1. They don’t charge listing fees, you get up to 5 free pictures to list and they don’t charge for Buy Now listings.

2. There aren’t any limits on the amount you can list. You can pay for a premium listing, which I didn’t do, but I did select a gallery listing which places a picture of the shoes in the listing when it is searched. This feature adds a 2% charge when the shoe sells.

3. Notice I said when the shoe sells. You can actually list it without the picture showing up in searches and it is free. You still have a pic, it just doesn’t show up when people search. Ebid does not charge you per sell, you are only charged as a Seller+ which gives you extended benefits. I signed up for a one month plus account and it only cost 6.99. I can list my heart away.

The problem is still going to be traffic, but I think this may create a better opportunity to be found by buyers. I will keep you all posted on the progress. In the meantime, buy some kicks.  Oh the final great thing about Ebid is that I was able to set up a store, for free, and I don’t have to use Paypal. I can use my Google Merchant Account which, unlike Paypal, does not charge me twice when I make a sale. I will update this and let you know how things are going. Those of you in the biz, I hope you are finding these articles helpful. This is important to me because my sneaker is coming out and I have to have a stable plan in play to move my own kicks. Moving away from ebay!

stay motivated,

Chris B.

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